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10:10 Wired

Men are hard wired from God to woo the girl (be an active pursuer), win the fight (be a warrior), walk in the wilderness (seek adventure) and love God with our entire heart (Worship). Woo, win, walk and worship. Now there’s a to-do list I can get behind.

I’m drawn to this not from the allure of my own sensibilities to what sounds like a good weekend. Rather, I am compelled to this because this is how God hardwired me and every man; to be warriors, wilderness seekers, lovers, and worshipers. We are made this way because this is who He is and we are hardwired with God DNA.

This isn’t just my radical thinking. This offer of abundance is directly from God in His word.

John 10:10 “A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

These are our daily choices, to either live the life that’s been ransacked by the thief or thrive within God given life of abundance.

If you look at the table below, you can see the two offers clearly.


The Thieves’ Life

The Abundant Life

Woo the Girl

Addiction and attraction to porn, other woman.

Intoxicated with the wife of our youth.

Win the Fight

Anger and pride rule our spirit.

We are keepers of the standards at home, work and church.

Seek Adventure

Life is a spectator sport. Video games, watching sports, talking about other's victories.

Actively working, thriving, and succeeding within our world. Not somebody else’s.

Worship with Our Entire Heart

Maybe show up to church, maybe not. Live the tepid life.

Lay down your nets, pick up your cross. Live with passion and abundance.

Notice nowhere in that table of abundance is “church attendance, tithing, joining a small group, or serving in a soup kitchen.” Those are very important, but those can be the activities of the great distraction. The thief loves it when we believe that the vibrancy of our spiritual existence lies within our ability to check those ritual boxes and nothing else. We should do these activities, but they can never be the measure of who we are before God. We’re wired for so much more.  

The 10:10 Men’s ministry is focused on revealing, celebrating and encouraging the calling of God for each man so that he may live the abundant life, to woo, win, walk, worship with a full heart and a clear, God-inspired conscious.

He has hardwired us for this abundance. We just have to step into it. Let's do this together.

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